Sunday, March 1, 2009

Feeling after the most unique MKC~~


frankly,wat's a mix feeling i had after MKC.. cant be denied tat i regretted bcoz of the mishap..
i were thinking tat why raining all the time???if no rain,what will happen next?will the whole MKC in plan??everything will be better with the technical setting??there will be best ever perfomances with better lighting n audio??(sob)

but i knew no more 'if' here,it was a fate n we need to accept it..well..let bygone be was not our false,it was just an unexpected sum it all up,everyone did a great job yesterday nite!!!(i mean all seniors n juniors)....MKC really hoseh!!!

and i was so so sooooooooo touching yesterday...
i really could see the togetherness...not only among CC members but Zabahan...thx for helping us..thx for those alway offer himself to help to move things fr balai zaba to dewan nucleus..
thx a lots...and thx for other ethnic group 's frenz who gave me respond all the time while waiting for our frens to set up n prepare evrything for least u all let me knw tat i was not alone tat pity me n serpin..i was hardly crack my mind to find out sum ideaS to entertain u all...THX A LOTS....

well..sth wanna mention here, my dear MKC director,WEI XIANG,i respect u..salute u..even though u did uncountable mistakes during the speech..but u still keep on talking..ur spirit,ur attitude,for sure,i respect u man...i was so touching by u man...almost cry at tat time lor...

abt ZHAO KE, i saw the great improvement in urself...well done..i knew u can do it...n 28th of Feb,MKC nite,u proved it to everyone...yes..good job confident in urself laa....

abt the other perfomances, everyone was putting his/her effort to do the best he/she can...

SHIN YEN roomate,respect u also...continue to dance although u had ald injured...
dear mek,u afraid worry abt u..

AMY n KAICHUR,take care of urself also rr...

abt the seniors, u all did a very good n efficient job man...helped us to do everything, till we dun knw wat should we do anymore...

XUE CHEN, u really has a incredible mind ler...huh~~

abt my coach,GUORONG n tutors,ROGER n TENGYI , u all are excellent!!!helped us to settle the drums perfomance...i knw u wont make us n urself disappointed de...great!!

for those i hvn mentioned,well done n good job man...

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